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Continuing Education Department of the Institute of Foreign Languages

Contact information

Subdivision administrator

Galina Zarembo

Continuing Education Department of the Institute of Foreign Languages is a structural unit of the IFL RUDN University, successfully implementing programmes of continuing education for all students of the University as well as external students, Russian and foreign citizens. The unit actively cooperates with international partner universities, such as the University of York (UK), Edinburgh Napier University (UK), the University of Malaga (Spain), University of New Hampshire (USA) etc., in the field of joint educational programmes in foreign languages with included cross-cultural internships abroad.

    In training of the specialists we use:
  • modern multimedia educational and methodical complexes
  • information and communication technologies
  • innovative methods of teaching foreign languages

Once you have enrolled in our Institute for any programme, we guarantee:

  • intensive training in the chosen foreign language
  • mastering translation skills and abilities
  • traditionally high quality of education
  • training in specialized language classrooms
  • home-like, friendly atmosphere

Fields of study:
Foreign Languages; Translation, Interpreting and Translation Studies; Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages; Russian as a Foreign Language; Psychology; Pedagogy; Reginal Studies; Cross-Cultural Communication.

Graduation documents:
Diploma of Professional Retraining, Certificate of Advanced Training and Specialization, Diploma of Continuing Education, Certificate of Completion.

Find course

9 courses found:

Exploring Russia

Duration: 400 hours

Issued document: Сертификат СДО

Base price: 92 000 ₽

Intercultural Communication in Professional Sphere: Russia – Tunisia

Duration: 132 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 220 500 ₽

Intercultural Communication in Professional Activities: Russia –...

Duration: 0 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 144 000 ₽

Intercultural Communication in Professional Activities: Russia –...

Duration: 152 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 220 500 ₽

Learning Russian

Duration: 864 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДО

Base price: 285 600 ₽


Duration: 1500 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДВО

Base price: 336 000 ₽

The theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures

Duration: 800 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДПК

Base price: 192 000 ₽


Duration: 1500 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДВО

Base price: 100 000 ₽


Duration: 1500 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДВО

Base price: 336 000 ₽