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Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers

Contact information

Subdivision administrator

Dean: Popadiuk Valentin

The faculty is designed to train doctors, nursing specialists, pharmacists and pharmacists in almost all health care specialties.
The faculty implements advanced training programs (general and thematic), professional retraining of specialists (specialization), preparation for passing the qualification exam for a specialist certificate, training in clinical internship, internship, postgraduate study.
Additional professional advanced training programs and educational activities of the faculty are included in the list of educational programs (educational events) posted on the NMO Portal:
Training is carried out in the form of full-time and extramural educational activities, in the form of exit cycles and with the use of distance learning in the university classrooms, clinical bases and simulation center. Training is conducted in groups and on an individual learning path.
The faculty of advanced training of medical workers of RUDN in its educational activities is guided by orders regulating postgraduate and additional education.
Form of study: full-time, part-time (evening). Upon completion of training, students receive educational documents of the appropriate sample.
Every year over 12,000 specialists study at the faculty.

Find course

1 course found:

Pharmacotherapy of today’s acute respiratory infections

Duration: 16 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 9 000 ₽

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