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Institute of World Economy and Business

Contact information

Subdivision administrator

Voznyuk Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Additional education programs of the Institute of World Economy and Business are aimed at the practical application of acquired knowledge. Classes are conducted by experienced teachers and highly qualified specialists from leading companies - partners of RUDN. The University cooperates with business structures and government departments on the organization of students' practice and employment.
Refresher courses at IMEB are the best solution for those who want to get a quality education in a short time.

The Institute offers students the following programs:
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Reduced tax burden
- Apple software
- Workshop of personal potential development
- Workshop on the development of non-template and creative thinking
- Methods of fast reading, memory development, learning foreign words
- PHOTOSHOP workshop
The Institute develops programs of additional education on various topics, including: taxation; strategic marketing; marketing management; organization and coordination of business processes; effective branding; systems of motivation and personnel management; foreign languages (language of professional communication).
For corporate clients: If the company plans to train a group of employees, it is possible to study on the company's territory according to an agreed and adapted program.
According to the results of training, a document of the sample established in RUDN is issued
- Certificate - for persons with higher education;
- Certificate - for those without higher education.

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