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Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel

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The Institute of Advanced Studies at PFUR has been implementing additional professional education programs of the following formats for more than 11 years:
  • advanced training
  • professional retraining of personnel
  • master classes and trainings

IPPK RUDN is the head structural division of the system of vocational education in RUDN, which grows and increases the number of students each year. The number of areas and programs allows everyone to choose an individual learning path.

The Institute presents training programs that are based on two important principles of additional vocational education: current theoretical information and a strong practical side. Professional retraining programs have been updated to meet professional educational standards, which entered into force on July 1, 2016.
Education at the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Education of RUDN provides only useful and applicable knowledge that will be indispensable both in work and in life. Graduation documents at the end of training are:
RUDN University Diploma of Professional Retraining, which certifies the right to conduct professional activity in the field of study.
PFUR Certificate of Continuing Education.

Why exactly Are you our listener?
Because you appreciate what our lessons are based on:
  • updated theoretical material
  • analysis of real-life cases
  • business games
  • at least three teachers in one program

Also, we are not afraid to talk about t Ifrah:
  • There are more than 240 teachers and business coaches of the highest category in the Institute.
  • More than 11 years on the market of additional professional education
  • More than 10 training directions and 95 training programs

And we are ready to turn your capabilities into your advantage and convenience:
  • diploma / Identity certificate of a legendary university
  • distance learning
  • 3 training centers in Moscow
  • choice of training schedule
  • flexible discount system

Subdivision news

Find course

2 courses found:

Test program (do not delete)

Duration: 16 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 3 000 ₽

Basic computer science fundamentals: simply about the complex

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Electronic Certificate

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