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Institute of Oriental Medicine

Contact information

Subdivision administrator

Urazov Viktor Vasilyevich

The Institute of Oriental Medicine of RUDN University is a division of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, created for all those who want to become acquainted with oriental medicine, as well as for the advanced training of medical workers with secondary and higher professional education.

Find course

31 course found:

Intraosseous blockages in the treatment of pain syndromes

Duration: 72 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 150 000 ₽

Ayurvedic medicine

Duration: 240 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 50 000 ₽

Basics of Ayurvedic healthy diet

Duration: 40 hours

Issued document: Сертификат СДО

Base price: 17 000 ₽

Practical aspects of trichology

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 7 000 ₽

Selected problems of trichology

Duration: 18 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 5 000 ₽

The use of botulinum toxin in cosmetology and esthetic medicine

Duration: 18 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 5 000 ₽


Duration: 18 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 5 000 ₽

The use of microimplants (contour plastics medication) in...

Duration: 18 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 5 000 ₽

Selected problems of therapy

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 9 000 ₽