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International Academy of Television and Information Business

Contact information

  • Address: Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str. 10\2

  • Phone number: +7 967 157-32-42, +7 495 787-38-03 # 2836

  • E-mail:

Subdivision administrator

Director of the Academy - Professor, Doctor of Philology Barabash Viktor Vladimirovich

The International Academy of Television and Information Business (MATIB) was established as a center for additional education at the Department of Mass Communication of the Faculty of Philology of the RUDN University for training specialists in the field of media, communications, advertising and PR.

The Academy offers programs: education;
professional development;
master classes, ensuring your personal and professional growth.

We will help you not only to support your passion, but also to discover new secrets of mastery. One of the tasks of the Academy is to give students an up-to-date additional education, filling in possible gaps in knowledge and backing up theory with practice.

Our principles:
- reasonable prices;
- quality of education;
- orientation to practice.

MATIB teach professors and associate professors of the RUDN University working in the field of the humanities, as well as practicing specialists in communication tsiyam and media. The combination of deep theoretical foundations and scientific approaches with real practical recommendations and advice, analysis of life situations and practical cases provides comprehensive training of specialists, gives students real specialized knowledge that they can apply in practice immediately after class.

Director of the Academy - Professor, Doctor of Philology V.V. Barabash Honorary Worker of Higher Education. Honorary Professor of Henan University (PRC).

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