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Perspektiva - Interdepartmental Centre for Further Professional Education

Contact information

  • Address: Moscow Ordzhonikidze st. 3, room 308

  • Phone number: +7 495 955-07-63

  • Fax: +7 (495) 952-21-64

  • E-mail:

Subdivision administrator

Svetlana Boleslavovna Strashnova

Find course

14 courses found:

Modern physical, chemical and biochemical research methods. Theory...

Duration: 72 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 50 000 ₽

Modern physical, chemical and biochemical research methods. Theory...

Duration: 72 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 60 000 ₽

Electricity and Magnetism

Duration: 16 hours

Applied IR spectroscopy

Duration: 36 hours

Foreign language in the format of pan-European competence

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Сертификат СДО

Base price: 20 000 ₽

The theory and practice of career development

Duration: 38 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение

Base price: 12 000 ₽

Modern physical and chemical instrumental research methods in...

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 12 500 ₽

Infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy for the beginner users

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Сертификат СДО

Base price: 20 000 ₽

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