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RUDN Office for Further Education Moscow RUDN Office for Further Education Moscow

Teaching Russian as a foreign language in the context of changing linguocultural processes

Learning format: Программы повышения квалификации

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Learning form: Extramural (Exclusively educational technologies)

Volume: 72 academic hours


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Шаклеин Виктор Михайлович


Шаклеин Виктор Михайлович

Хавронина Серафима Алексеевна

Стрельчук Елена Николаевна

Necessary documents for the agreement

  • Анкета слушателя
  • Согласие на обработку ПД
  • Копия диплома ВО

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"Teaching Russian as a foreign language in the context of changing linguocultural processes"

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