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Increasing power and improving environmental indicators of engines by ultrasonic cleaning of electromagnetic injectors

Our course instructors not only teach classes but are also actively involved in scientific activities in order to always stay up to date with the latest trends.

Congratulations to the team of authors: I. K. Danilov, S. V. Khlopkov, A. V. Marusin, I. V. Fadeev, and A. A. Simdyankin. Their monograph "Increasing power and improving environmental indicators of engines by ultrasonic cleaning of electromagnetic injectors " took 2nd place in the All-Russian review competition of textbooks, manuals, and monographs in the direction 23.00.00 "Vehicles and technology of land transport"

It was written with the support of a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

The monograph analyzes and summarizes data on the reasons for the malfunction of electromagnetic injectors (EJ) and existing methods for assessing their technical condition, considers the parameters of the EMF operation mode and their effect on fuel consumption. Periodicity calculations are carried out depending on the total specific operating costs, the list and sequence of maintenance work for the fuel equipment (FE) of a gasoline engine during operation are substantiated with the inclusion of EJ ultrasonic cleaning after 40 thousand km of run into the complex of works.

The monograph is of interest to specialists in the automotive and agro-industrial sectors, as well as graduate students and university students.

We wish the authors further success in their scientific activities, and we are waiting for you at the courses of our authors:

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Данилов И.К. Хлопков С.В. Марусин А.В. Фадеев И.В. Симдянкин А.А_
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