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The fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference "Commitment to Mental Health Issues"

Dear colleagues,

On October 5-7, 2023

The fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference "Commitment to Mental Health Issues" will be held at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia at the Psychology and Pedagogy Department (Philology Institution)

The conference is planned as a scientific and practical interactive platform where scientists and practitioners will be able to share their methods and technologies in the sphere of diagnostics, correction and maintenance of mental health and psychological well-being in the modern society. The project provides for holding not only a plenary session and thematic sections, but also master classes, a youth section representation, an art therapy festival, a professional development program for conference participants and other interactive forms of communication.

The conference will be held in face-to-face and remote formats using the MS Teams online platform. The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.

The preliminary program of the conference includes:

October 5 and 6, 2023 – plenary and sectional meetings, including a special section of young scientists, a competition of poster reports and brain-ring for graduate and undergraduate students.

October 7, 2023 – II International Art Festival

October 5-7, 2023 – an advanced training program "Modern technologies for mental health and psychological well-being"

Thematic areas of the conference:

– The problem of mental health and psychological well-being: from methodology to practical technologies.

– Technologies for maintaining and preserving students and teachers’ mental health and psychological well-being.

– Digitalization of secondary and higher education. Technologies for developing new skills in Internet hygiene and digital ethics.

– Technologies for preserving professional health in conditions of emotional tension.

– Social mental health. Psychological diagnostics and support in situations of emotional instability.

– Provision of emergency and crisis assistance to participants of educational relations: technologies and methods;

– Psychological support of students.

The following are invited to participate in the conference: university teaching staff, researchers, doctoral students, postgraduates, applicants, undergraduates, students, practical psychologists, teachers and doctors, educational institutions employees; representatives of public organizations that solve mental health problems.

Students and postgraduates present the results of their research on the topic of the conference in the form of abstracts and/or poster reports. Posters can be prepared as an addition to abstracts or as an independent report.

By the beginning of the conference, it is planned to publish an electronic collection of articles and a collection of young scientists’ abstracts (with an ISBN index, registration in the RSCI), see the presentation rules in Appendices 2-3.

Requirements for publications in the collections of papers and abstracts are given in Appendices 2-3.

Deadlines for submitting applications for participation in conference events:

1.        Applications for participation in the conference (see Appendix 1) and articles/abstracts in the conference proceedings are accepted until July 15, 2023 by e-mail: under the subject "Conference materials" (see the presentation rules in Appendix 2-3).

2. Rules for messages:

- subject: "Application to the conference /October/2023" or "Conference materials/October/2023";

- one needs to attach to the message:1) application for the conference (see the form in Appendix 4), the file name is

Application_Author’s Name;

the   article    or   abstracts    designed    according    to   the        requirements                 (file           name          –

Theses_Author’s name) – to participate with the publication.


Postal address of the Organizing Committee: 117198, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10/2, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy at People’s Friendship University of Russia (office 627); Phone numbers: (495) 434-43-64, (495) 787-38-03 (ext. 12-66); +7-906-701-08-22

For further training and participation in the Art Festival program, call: +7-967-272-81-60 Email:

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