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Centre for Further Professional Education of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact information

  • Address: Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str. 10a, room 309a, room 212

  • Phone number: +7 495 787-38-03 # 2143, +7 926 904-29-13, +7 915 120-25-20

  • E-mail:

Subdivision administrator

Tagirov Philipp Vladimirovich

The Center of Further Education of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has more than ten years old. More than 300 students attend courses at the Center every year.

Find course

19 courses found:

Assistant with the knowledge of Persian

Duration: 600 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДПК

Base price: 24 300 ₽

Assistant with the knowledge of Persian

Duration: 600 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДПК

Base price: 26 700 ₽

Assistant with the knowledge of Persian

Duration: 600 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДПК

Base price: 28 300 ₽

Assistant with the knowledge of Persian

Duration: 600 hours

Issued document: Диплом ДПК

Base price: 34 000 ₽

Focus group method in sociological and marketing research

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 15 000 ₽

The philosophy and psychology of love: modern theories and...

Duration: 36 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 4 900 ₽

Creative industries: city, community, culture

Duration: 72 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации

Base price: 5 000 ₽

Russia in global politics

Duration: 16 hours

Issued document: Сертификат СДО

English for academics

Duration: 72 hours

Issued document: Удостоверение УПК

Base price: 10 000 ₽

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