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Summer school "Monitoring , modeling and managing of urban soil and green infrastructure" 3 MUGIS

Organizers: RUDN University (Russia) Urban Soil Institute (USA), City University of New York (USA), Technical University of Berlin (Germany) under umbrella of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) and Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX). 

The summer school aims to provide a solid practical skills in monitoring, modeling and mapping urban soils and green infrastructure over different climatic and anthropogenic conditions. Lectures, seminars and practical skills’ training will address the impacts of urbanization through the monitoring and assessment of urban soils, design and maintenance of urban green infrastructure, and projects of sustainable urban development.

3MUGIS-2019 will include two parts. The first part will take place in Moscow and will include one week of intensive short-courses, practical trainings and master classes. The second part will be 2-weeks field tour observing natural and anthropogenic soils and landscapes of Russia.

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